十一月二十七日,一個差不多講者多過觀眾的分享會,對出席率有點失望,差點想取消,但興幸仍堅持照做,Tony 的分享實在精彩,錯過了的是一大損失。
除此之外,Tony 也分享了不少有趣的社會企業,如荷蘭先發起的Repair Cafe,義工協助市民把壞了的東西修復,減少棄置,還有不少社會合作平台如Quirky.com集眾人力量,集體創作; Solar Moasic集資安裝太陽能設施; Taskrabbit分包工作等。
我也分享了早前的一個演講,主題是前瞻未來趨勢對建築的影響,由人口老化帶來對通用設計的重視,到互聯網年代,辦公室及商店的功能新角色,一些設計的個案,強調人的交往和體驗,與此同時, 網絡上盛行的,又倒過來O2O(Online to Offline) 尋找落地的位置,趨向Omni-Channel 多渠道同時並存的大方向。
Date: 27/11/2014 (Thur)
Time: 7:00p.m. (Reception at 6:30)
Venue: PMQ, S405
Title: Architecture beyond hardware - Social innovations and upcoming trends in buildings
Tony Ip -
Tony was just back from Europe after attending a conference. After completion of the Carbon Zero Building in HK and being at the front line of environmental design, he was in touch with some of the latest environmental trends in the Western world.
Alvin Yip
Social innovation may be a new term to some of us. Being the head of Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation in Poly U Design School, Alvin is probably the best person to share with us what is this and its potential and impacts to architecture.
Chan Lai Kiu
After working in developer side for a few years, she learnt the importance of software behind a building: funding, operation, business model,....... In the process of development, she inevitably need to look forward and research on the latest trends of various building types, in particular, the impact of the mobile digital devices to places like office, retail......